Gregory's Grilling Again: An Acute Rehab Success Story
August 05, 2022Today Gregory Hathcote has plans to go swimming in his pool. He talks excitedly about barbecuing chicken in his smoker. At some point soon, he knows he needs get back on his tractor to do some bushhogging. These plans would not seem all that uncommon in Arkansas, except that it was only about five months ago that debilitating knee pain kept Hathcote from being able to stand long enough to grill. He couldn’t do the things that he loved, much less the work that needed to be done.
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Summertime Safety: How to Keep Cool and Healthy All Summer Long
July 01, 2022Summer is officially here! As the days grow longer and brighter, many of us will be taking full advantage of summer, whether its enjoying backyard barbeques, lazy days by the pool or even the occasional fireworks display. No matter how you choose to enjoy your summer, it’s important to stay alert and protect yourself and your family from potential threats to your health and safety.
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Saline Memorial Hospital receives recognition for heart attack care
June 02, 2022Saline Memorial Hospital has received the American College of Cardiology’s NCDR Chest Pain ̶ MI Registry Silver Performance Achievement Award for 2022. Saline Memorial Hospital is one of only 85 hospitals nationwide to receive the honor. It recognizes the hospital’s commitment and success in implementing a higher standard of care for heart attack patients and signifies that it has reached an aggressive goal of treating these patients to standard levels of care as outlined by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association.
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Live Healthier, Live Freely
May 23, 2022Have you ever tried to lose weight? Most of us have. You prepare in advance. You choose a start date. You go to the grocery store and buy healthy food. Maybe you join a gym or commit yourself to daily walks in the neighborhood. And your good intentions get you through a few days. You see a change in the numbers on the scale in the first week or two, so you keep going. Your clothes fit a little better. You're excited! And then, inevitably, the scale stops changing numbers. You are still doing all the same things, but nothing is happening. You get more and more frustrated and start to wonder why you are putting in so much effort when you aren't getting the results you want. Why isn't it working?
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Technologist celebrates 40th anniversary
May 18, 2022When Saline Memorial Hospital got its first ultrasound, an ATL Mark 100, Cathy Seals and her boss Barbara Varnon were the first to learn how to use it. At the time, Seals worked in nuclear medicine, and she balanced her time between ultrasounds and nuclear medicine for a while. The ATL Mark 100 was analog and black and white; Seals jokes that image was so pixelated that you could count each individual pixel. Over time, the quality of the ultrasound equipment improved, and the volume of ultrasound requests grew to the point that now the hospital has three ultrasound machines and three technologists to operate them. Seals is still one of them. She celebrates her 40th anniversary today: May 18, 2022.
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From Must-See TV to Must-Screen for Me? Why It Might Be Time for a Colonoscopy
March 04, 2022In the 1980s and 1990s, the NBC broadcast network began branding their primetime lineups to promote their sitcoms and dramas. One phrase in particular quickly entered the pop culture lexicon after it debuted in 1993. The phrase? Must See TV. If you were a teenager in the early ‘90s and remember trying to rush through your homework to watch that night’s Must-See TV lineup, it could be time for another “must” – a colonoscopy.
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Saline Memorial Hospital’s Behavioral Health Services Leader Receives Employee of the Year Recognition
February 26, 2022Saline Memorial Hospital and Psychiatric Medical Care are pleased to announce that Lisa Sheppard, RN MSN, Program Director for the hospital’s Behavioral Health Services, has received the 2021 Inpatient Division Team Member of the Year award.
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