Heart CT for Calcium Scoring

Calcium scoring, also called a heart CT scan, is a painless, non-invasive way of obtaining information about your coronary arteries. This screening provides pictures of your heart's arteries and identifies if calcium deposits are present – which helps determine if you have a higher risk of having a heart attack or other potential symptoms of heart disease.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the U.S.1 Cardiac Calcium Scoring is a safe, painless test that can detect potential heart problems in advance. The results allow your doctor to calculate your risk of heart attack and detect early blockage and plaque build-up. Join us on a path to better wellness.

Who Should Have a Heart CT?

A heart CT for calcium scoring should be considered if you:

  • Are at least 35 years old
  • Are not currently being treated for heart disease
  • Do not have a pacemaker
  • Have at least two of these risk factors:
    • High cholesterol levels
    • High blood pressure
    • Family history of heart disease
    • Diabetes
    • History of cigarette smoking
    • Obesity
    • Physical inactivity


  1. Murphy SL, Xu J, Kochanek KD, Arias E.  Mortality in the United States, 2017. NCHS data brief, no 328. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics; 2018