Rolanda S. Robinson
My name is Rolanda S. Robinson, and I am a six-year breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed in August 2017. I was going through an emotional storm, but I made it through! Going through all the scans and chemo was very emotional for me. I wondered, "Lord why me?" But I believe he took me through this storm so I could help someone else. I went through the hair loss. My fingernails and toenails all turned gray! I lost my sense of taste — everything tasted like metal, so I ate something sour!
I had a double mastectomy, and that was rough! When I looked at my chest, seeing that I no longer had boobs was devastating! I screamed and cried! But, through it all, I made it through the storm and with the support of family and real friends. With this experience, God allowed me and three other young women to start a support group called Survivor Sistas.