Patty Rickard

I have always tried to be proactive in all aspects of my health. I started my annual mammograms in my mid 40's. Honestly, I feel that women should start much earlier when insurance allows. But, self examination is so important.

Saline Memorial imaging has always given me my mammograms but also served as a great support system, answering questions and offering beneficial advice.

Who knew at age 68 a mass would be discovered? Biopsy was performed to confirm it was malignant. I had lots of good references and chose Dr. James Hagans at Baptist Health. I would recommend him to my closest loved ones.

I've found throughout my recovery that the most important thing is having support from loved ones as well as doctors. He gave me many choices and the percentages of survival related to those choices.

Bottom line, listen with your heart as well as your mind that the best support comes from those that are concerned for your health and wellbeing over aesthetics. I am a survivor!