Patient Guide

We are committed to your care.

Our goal is to provide the best quality care. To do so, we ask for feedback from patients like you. You may be contacted by phone, email or text and asked to complete a confidential survey. Please take the time to complete the survey. Your feedback will help us know what we’re doing well and where we can improve.


Fast facts about your stay. 

Support for Caregivers

We encourage patients to pick a key person to support them during their hospital stay. Whether you are that primary support person, or just one of many people caring for and supporting your loved one, you can play an important role in making sure your loved one gets the safest and best care both here and beyond the hospital.

Patient and Family Care
We participate in patient- and family-centered care. We believe that family plays an important role in ensuring the health and well-being of patients of all ages. Our goal is to create partnerships among healthcare practitioners, patients and families that will lead to the best outcomes and enhance the delivery of safe, quality, efficient, effective, and timely care.

What to Know Before You Leave
Caregivers can help ensure the best outcome for their loved one after a hospital stay by getting the answers to these three questions:

  1. What is the next step for medical care (home or facility, follow-up with primary care physician or physical therapy, etc.)? Help your loved one arrange the details to make this happen—financial plan, transportation, scheduling, etc.
  2. What new and former medicines does my loved one need to take? Help your loved one understand the details—timing, dosing instructions, side effects, prescription refills, etc.
  3. What health warning signs do I need to watch for and what do I do if they happen? Help your loved one by writing these symptoms down as well as the name and contact number to call.

If you feel like you need a break or help, reach out to friends and family. And consult the resources listed here: National Alliance for Caregiving | Family Caregiver Alliance | Caregiver Action Network 

Facts About Your Stay


For your convenience, an ATM is located on the first level of the hospital near the outpatient registration desk at the front entrance.

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Bedside Shift Report

We want you to feel comfortable and cared for throughout your stay, so at each nursing shift change — about every 12 hours — your nurse will introduce your new nurse to you. The team will talk about your progress, medicine and tests scheduled for the day. Ask questions. The more you’re involved, the better and safer your care.

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Bedside Technology

During your stay, you may see your doctors and nurses using computers or tablets. These tools help them care for you by providing around-the-clock monitoring, a variety of resources and quick communication with the rest of your healthcare team. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or nurse.

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We welcome visitors in our cafeteria where a variety of delicious hot and cold foods are available at affordable prices. The cafeteria is located on the ground floor and is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Monday - Friday
6:30 a.m. – 10 a.m.

11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Weekend and Holidays
6:30 a.m. - 10 a.m.

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

All visitors are welcome to dine in the cafeteria. Please inform the nursing staff if you are celebrating a birthday or anniversary during your hospital stay. Our dietary department will arrange for a special dessert.

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Calling Your Nurse

Your room is connected to the nursing station via an intercom system. To call for your nurse, press the NURSE call button located at your bedside. If you have any questions on how to use the call button, ask a staff member to show you.

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Cellphones & Video

During your stay, you may see members of your care team using mobile phones. At Saline Memorial Hospital, our staff are permitted to use phones for work-related activities, such as communicating with doctors or other care team members. Employees are not allowed to use phones for non-work-related activities. There are many work related benefits of cellphones and other communication devices, including access to medical references, clinical tools and patient information.

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Channel Listing for TV

4.2 Laff 4.3 Gritt
4.4 Anten 5 Weather Channel
7.1 ABC 7.2 Comet
11.1 KTHV 11.2 Court
11.3 Crime 7.3 Charge
7.4 T.B.D. 7.5 Stadium
10 A&E 13 Animal Planet
14 Cartoon Network 15 CMT
11.4 Quest 11.5 Circle
11.6 Twist 11.7 Newsey
19 Discovery 20 Disney
21 TLC 22 Weather Channel
23 Fox News 24 Fox Business
11.8 Shop LC 12 AMC
28 History 29 Investigation Discovery
30 Lifetime 16.1 KLRT
16.2 Escape 16.3 KARZ
16.4 Bounce 17 Reelz
18 CNBC 25 FXX
26 Hallmark 27 HGTV
33 Nickelodeon 34 Tru TV
35 TCM 36.2 KKAP
37 USA 38 KASN
38.2 Rewind 38.3 ION
38.4 Defy 38.5 True
41 SEC 42 ESPN News
43 TNT   

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Concerns About Your Care

Please speak with your nurse or nursing supervisor if you have any questions or concerns about your care. If your issue still is not resolved, then contact the hospital patient advocate. You also have the right to file your complaint with either:

Health Facility Services
Arkansas Department of Health
5800 W. 10th St., Suite 400
Little Rock, AR 72204

Office of Quality and Patient Safety
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Blvd.
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Website:, then click “Report patient safety event”

Sometimes a healthcare choice can involve an ethical concern—such as a wish to refuse life-saving treatment or a disagreement over advance directives (see p. 21). Our medical ethics committee can help you and those who are here to support you make difficult decisions. For help, contact your nurse.

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Electrical Appliances

For your safety, we reserve the right to inspect any electrical appliances brought into the hospital.

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Fire Safety

We conduct fire drills from time to time. If you hear an alarm, stay where you are. In an actual emergency, hospital staff will tell you what to do.

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While we are happy to assist in getting deliveries and flowers to patients and staff members, the hospital is not responsible for deliveries that are not successful.  Do not leave packages or gifts at the information desk for delivery.  For assistance with deliveries, check with the volunteers at the main entrance desk or dial 0 on the phone by the desk.

Please note that flowers are not allowed in Intensive Care Units.

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Hearing Impaired and Interpreters

We have services available for people who are deaf or hearing impaired, and the hospital will provide an interpreter when communicating medical information. If you need these services, please contact your nurse. TTY telephones are available per request.

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Please do not bring any prescription or over-the-counter medicines to the hospital. All medicines you take in the hospital need to be prescribed, filled and given to you by hospital staff. Tell your doctor about any medicines you regularly take. If you still need them, hospital staff will give them to you.

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Pastoral Care

The hospital chaplain program is made up of a group of volunteer ministers throughout the community. They are available to all patients and their families. If you would like to see a chaplain, please contact your nurse to request this service. The chapel is always open for prayer and meditation. It’s located on the first floor, near the registration area. 

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Personal Belongings and Valuables

Personal care items such as contact lenses, eyeglasses, hearing aids and dentures can be stored in your bedside stand when not in use. Please do not put them on your bed or food tray to help avoid them being lost or damaged. Leave valuables like jewelry or cash at home, or give them to a trusted relative or friend to watch over. If this is not an option, valuables may be locked up by Security at your request. Saline Memorial Hospital cannot be responsible for replacing personal belongings.

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Rapid Response Team

A highly trained group of individuals called the Rapid Response Team is in place at all times in the hospital. This team can be called at any time by you, or those who may be here with you, to check you for any medical condition that is of concern before there is a life-threatening emergency.

WHEN to Call Rapid Response

Call for help if you notice:

  • changes in heart rate or blood pressure
  • change in respiratory (breathing) rate or oxygen levels
  • changes in urine output (much more or less urine)
  • change in mental status or level of consciousness
  • any time you are worried something might be wrong
  • any change in your condition that needs immediate attention and the healthcare team is not responding, or if you continue to have serious concerns after speaking with the healthcare team

HOW to Call Rapid Response

Step 1: Dial 6200 on bedside phone.

Step 2: Tell the operator your name, room number, patient's name and concern

Step 3: The Rapid Response Team will be sent to your room.

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In the interest of good health for everyone, Saline Memorial Hospital is a tobacco-free campus. This is a federal law. Smoking by patients, visitors, volunteers or staff is not permitted anywhere on hospital property, including parking lots and within private cars. Saline Memorial Hospital offers smoking cessation programs as well as nicotine replacement products for those who request them.

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All patient rooms have phones. Local calls from the patient room are free. Dial 9 to get an outside line. You can place a long-distance call by dialing 0 and asking to be connected with an outside operator. Loved ones can dial patient's room directly by calling 776-6 + the room number.

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Vending Machines

Here you can find beverages and snacks 24 hours a day. Located in the emergency room, the cafeteria and on the second floor near the elevators. 

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Visiting Hours

Visitation is allowed 24/7. This includes all areas except for those listed below. These units have special restrictions due to the patient care activities. 

  • Generations Unit: Visitation by appointment only.
  • Adult Psychiatric Unit: Visitation by appointment only.
  • Labor and Delivery: During labor, it is up to the discretion of the patient whether visitors are allowed. Up to three visitors can be allowed during the delivery procedures. If the patient desires a child under the age of 12 at the delivery, there must be a support person present for the child.
  • Rehabilitation Unit: Visitors are allowed Monday through Saturday: 4 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and all day Sunday. 

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Patients, family members and guests can enjoy the Internet at Saline Memorial Hospital. Service is free and can be accessed with most properly configured wireless devices.


The SSID (Wireless Network) to connect to is "SMH_PUBLIC".
All other networks beginning with SMH are for internal use only.


1. Connect to the Hospital Wi-Fi network using the SSID of SMH_PUBLIC.
2. Launch a web browser.
3. Click "Accept" at the bottom of the Disclaimer page.

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