Acute Rehab

Acute Rehab

The Saline Memorial Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation unit is a 17-bed, private-room facility, offering a wide variety of services to patients who have been disabled due to illness or injury. Our staff is committed to delivering high quality rehabilitative care with the goal of returning patients to their highest level of functionality and independence.

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Call 606.759.9050

Fax a Referral

Fax 501.776.6638

Who can benefit from inpatient rehabilitation services?

Our comprehensive Rehab program can help those who have suffered a loss of function due to:

  • Stroke
  • Head Injury
  • Neurologic impairment
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Amputation
  • Orthopedic conditions (Hip Fractures)
  • Multiple trauma
  • Multiple joint arthritis

An intensive three-hour per day therapy program is a staple in each patient’s rehabilitation routine. Patients work with their clinical team in a dedicated gym, therapy and dining areas located within the unit.

Admission Process

Once arrangements have been made and your physician authorizes the admission, you will be discharged from your current setting and transferred to the Saline Memorial Acute Rehab Unit. If you are being transferred from another hospital, your Case Manager will help you plan for transportation. After discharge from Rehab, the patient may return for ongoing therapy at the Saline Memorial Outpatient Therapy Center or receive home therapy through Saline Memorial Home Health.

The Acute Rehab Team

Individualized care is provided to patients by a team of dedicated and skilled health professionals who are experts in specific areas of rehabilitation. Working together with the patient and family, the rehabilitation team provides an assessment and develops a coordinated plan of care, with the goal of using each patient’s individual strengths and abilities to achieve the maximum level of independence.

Visit our digital brochure to learn more about our program. 

For more information or to see if you qualify, please call 501.776.6630.  Providers can also fax a referral to 501.776.6638.